How Phonics Programs Help Children Read

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Phonics is an essential part of a child learning to read. Phonics refer to the sounds letters make, both on their own and in combination with other letters. Because phonics can be difficult for some children to understand, focusing on them specifically when learning to read is a great way to help children have a firm grasp of the fundamentals.

How Phonics Programs Help Children Read

There are many ways specialized phonics programs can contribute to a child’s ability to succeed in reading.

  • Sound Recognition. Phonics programs encourage children to associate letters and words with their sounds and meanings. Creating this association is essential for children learning to read, and focusing on it letter-by-letter aids children in starting to recognize longer, more complicated words later on. Encouraging children to understand the sounds directly associated with written letters helps to bridge the gap between words on paper and words spoken aloud.
  • Spelling Patterns. Focusing on phonics enables children to recognize patterns in spelling and sound making. Once students understand how letters and sounds go together, they can more readily form full words using these letters.
  • Progressive Learning. Our one-on-one phonics programs grow alongside your child. Once a student reaches a milestone, we work with them to progress forward in their literacy and build strong reading habits. Adaptive phonics programs allow our instructors to work in harmony with your child’s strengths and needs, enabling progress and preventing them from falling behind.

If you are looking for a personalized, effective phonics program, reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help your child thrive.